All Isshinryu curriculum taught at this dojo is from Okinawa, developed by our founder Master Shimabuku Tatsuo.
Basic Upper Body Chart One. Basic Lower Body Chart Two.
The original chart one has 15 upper body basic's, we added one for Sensei Nagle. 16 Basic Movements.
At E.M.S.O.I. we teach chart one as 16 Upper Body Basics. All basic's start in Seisan Stance, Heel Toe, Left Foot out in front. Then we switch to our right foot out in front. Each basic is done 25 times per side.
Chart One:
1) Step Up Punch Same Hand
2) Step Up Uppercut Same Hand
3) Step Up Punch Opposite Hand
4) Step Up Outside Body Block, Same Hand, Punch Opposite Hand
5) Step Up Shuto Block, Uppercut
6) Step Back Downblock, Punch
7) Step Up Backfist Same Hand
8) Step Up Rising Block, Punch
9) Step Back Shuto Block, Nukite
10) Step Up Shuto Strike Midsection, Shuto Strike to the Neck
11) Step Up Downblock same hand, 5 Punches
12) Step Up Outside Body Block, 5 Punches
13) Step Up Elbow to the Chest, 2 Punches
14) Step Up Shuto Block Same Hand, Grab, Shuto Strike to the Neck
15) Step Back into a T STANCE, Elbow
16) Step Up Downblock Same Hand, Groin Punch, Step Up and Punch
E.M.S.O.I. 10 Basic Upper Body excercises are done one by one and then all in a row 1 thru 10, then you turn and downblock throw a punch switch your feet and continue with the other side.
1) Step Up and Throw a Punch with the Opposite Hand
2) Step Back, Throw a Punch with the Same hand you stepped back with
3) Step Up Outside Body Block, Punch
4) Step Up Shuto Hand Block and Grab, Rising Elbow, Backfist
5) Step Up Rising Block, Backfist
6) Step Up into Seiunchin Stance Cross Body Block, Step Back and Throw a Elbow to the Midsection, Step Back Again and Throw a Elbow to the Other Side Midsection. This Basic requires you to start in Seisan, Step Into Seiunchin and transition your stance back to Seisan and then again to Seisan.
7) Step up into an Oblique Seiunchin Stance Throw a Shuto Misdirectional Block, Shuto Strike High, Shuto Strike Low
8) Step Up Downblock, 5 Punches
9) Step Up into Seiunchin Stance, Throw a Crossbody Block, Backfist or Hammerfist to the Groin, Backfist to the Face.
10) Step Up into Seiunchin Stance, L Block, Throw a Punch, Hide your other hand under the hand you are Punching with, then throw a Backfist
Kick Punch Combinations
All Isshinryu Kick Punch Combinations are practiced from a relaxed position, fighting stance, hands up in a defensive posture with your hands open, saying STOP.
Basic Kicks
Front Snap Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Side Kick, Spot Side Kick, Back Kick, Side Snap Kick, Cresent Kick, Inside & Outside, Heel Kick, Foot Stomp
Basic Strikes
Punch, Backfist, Hammer Fist, Palm Heel Strike, Shuto Strike, Haito Strike, Elbow Strikes, Cutting Elbow Strikes
We practice all combos 25 times a side.
Ippon Kumite Session
Ju Kumite Session
Empty Hand Kata Session
Kobudo Kata Session
Ground Work
Joint Locks
Take Downs
Joint Manipulation
Control Techniques
H2H Combat for Street Applications
Mr. Stick Round Circle Drills
Basic Fighting Principles
Advanced Fighting Principles
All inherent jitsu from empty hand kata broken down into individual techniques, practiced and drilled
How to fall and roll out
Advanced Weapons Training for Brown Belts and Dans
One on One Lessons for all who want to better their skills
Judo Drills
BJJ Drills
Boxing Drills
Ground Fighting Drills
Empty Hand Kata Drills on the Ground